Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Frosty Morning.

Hey ya'll!
Yeah, I'm still alive and here.....:/ Sorry for not posting sooner. Since last I wrote, we've left on a trip and come back. I should've written sooner but I've been trying to get my life and my priorities organized and in order.  I think my mind is still back in December or something. :-(
I hope you all have been doing great. I, well, I've been under the weather with a dreadful cold with lots of coughing and sinus problems-and tea. I've drunk A LOT of hot tea. :-)  And guess what? I was sick during a whole weekend we had three gigs to play which I only missed one of those and suffered through the other two. I don't really like being sick. :-\
Well, anyway, back in January (the 27th) we had a frost and so I just had to take some photos. ;-) I was busy with chores but had a break, so I thought, "If I don't take pictures now, it will all melt so I better do it now before it gets really hot." So with camera in hand, I ran outside as the hot morning sun rose over the trees. I was not to late, however, and I had the most fun I've had in a long while. So, I'll stop writing and let you delight yourself in looking at the photos. :-) Hope ya'll enjoy them.

I hope y'all have a fabulous week ahead and keep looking to the Lord for all your needs.
His Forever Little Girl,
Abigail J.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3